When we aren't out on the trails, we are busy inside with management tasks, such as drafting publication materials, communicating with committee members, and so forth.

We rely on a number of mechanisms for getting our message out and communicating with our members and donors. As an all-volunteer organization, we have no paid staff and we rely totally on volunteers.

Check out the tasks below, and if there is an area of interest to you, please contact us - none of the tasks is very difficult, each one is fun, and we will train you with individual tutorials.

If you can help us, or want to learn more, just
  • call Colleen (612 251 6268)
  • or call Bill (303 903 7127)
  • or send us an email.

    While most (but not all) tasks are currently covered expertly, we want to have backups for every one of them. Below are the areas, in order of need (biggest need first).

    Just rollover a topic to read more about it. The popup will display as long as your cursor is over it. Click HERE to see all the text.